
Marcel Wehrstedt
Martin-Agricola-Str. 15
Germany, 39108 Magdeburg

Phone: +49391/24358977
Mail: beard (at)


By using LiveBeard (the "application"), you agree to link your account to the application. Doing so will allow the application to connect to Twitch services for certain features. These features are:

This link can be revoked at any time on the Twitch settings page. Certain features do not work properly when the application is not linked to the user's Twitch account.

This application uses Application Insights to collect crash data. This happens anonymously and does not transfer any personal data. Information gathered from this is used to improve the product by finding the origins of bugs and errors.

This application needs an active internet connection. No other capabilities, such as location services or access to the user's address book, are needed to operate. By using Cortana, the application has a background service running. The user can enable a feature that checks for currently broadcasting streamers. Toast notifications are triggered locally, that is not initiated by a server command.

By using the application you agree to the Twitch Terms of Service and Rules of Conduct.

This application is in no way affiliated with, Twitch Interactive, inc or any Twitch related company.